Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fushimi Inari Shine, Kyoto Japan

Fushimi Inari Shrine is an important Shinto shrine in southern Kyoto. It is famous for its thousands of vermillion (vivid red) torii gates, which straddle a network of trails behind its main buildings. The trails lead into the wooded forest of the sacred Mount Inari, which stands at 233 meters and belongs to the shrine grounds (source:

If you have seen the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha", this place will ring a bell to you.  The scene showing Sayuri running through the red torii gates was shot in this place.

Scene from the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha" - Young Sayuri running.
Last year, we got the chance to visit this place, through the persistent demand of my daughter :). 
In front of the shrine
The hike starts from here.
The hike to the summit of the mountain takes about 2-3 hours. However, visitors are free to walk just as far as they wish before turning back.  

The girls are so happy :).

The torii gates along the entire trail are donations by individuals and companies.  You will find the donator's name and the date of the donation inscribed on the back of each gate (written in Japanese). The cost starts around 400,000 yen for a small sized gate and increases to over one million yen for a large gate (source:

Along the way, you can see stacks of miniature torii gates that were donated by visitors.

You don't have to bring food and drinks with you in your hike.  There are a few restaurants along the way which sell local dishes and drinks.

The foxes are regarded as the messengers of Inari.  That's why you can find many stone fox statues across the shrine grounds. 

The trails do not offer much variation beyond Yotsutsuji Intersection and the gate density decreases further. Since we didn't plan to go up to the mountain, we decided to stop our hike here (which is roughly half way up to the mountain). We took a rest and enjoyed the view of Kyoto from here, before going down.

Yotsutsuji Intersection 
These torii gate souvenirs for sale can be found at the entrance of the shrine.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

Food for Thought: The starting point of all achievement is desire.  Strengthen Your Desire! Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
Photo source: Pinterest 
I gain weight so easily because of my slow metabolism, that's why maintaining my weight has always been a challenge to me.  I need to exercise regularly and watch my diet just to maintain my current weight.  Gaining weight is so easy, but losing weight is so hard.  Isn't this unfair?

Last year, I became lax with my exercise and diet, causing me to gain 5 kgs (as shown by my picture below).
August 2011
I worked hard to get my weight back on track and all my hard work has paid off :).  I achieved my weight loss goal after 3 months and I have managed to maintain my weight within my target range since then. 
Me after losing 5kgs.
I'm going to share some weight loss tips and tricks that worked for me.  I am not a fitness expert but I am writing from my experience.  

10 Weight Loss Tips and Tricks That Really Work:
1. Participate in a weight loss challenge. 
This is what I did. I joined the Vibrant Living Walk, Run, and Donate Program that was offered by P&G. This gave me the extra  motivation to work really hard to achieve my weight loss goal. It also helped me to stay on track. 

2. Start a cardio and weights work out.  
The best way to lose weight is a good exercise routine and weight training.  You don't necessarily have to go to the gym to start an exercise program. I love to exercise but I'm not fond of going to the gym.  I prefer to run or walk outside.  I run 5km (usually in the morning) within my fat burning zone (60-80% of my target heart rate).  If the weather is bad and I can't run outside, I do dance exercise at home (I have several dance exercise DVDs).  I also do weight lifting 2-3 times a week (I have my own set of dumbbells at home).

3. Watch what you eat.
I am using the "My Plate" application on my iPad to keep track of my my food intake and my exercise. If you want to lose weight, you need to use up more energy than what you eat.  It's that simple. However, you need to determine first your metabolic rate for you to know your caloric balance status. You can estimate your metabolic rate by using the BMR calculator (you can search this in google). 

4. Eat healthy.
Eat more fruits and vegetables and less of fatty foods. Avoid processed foods as they contain a  lot of transfat (bad fat).  I have learned from the Corporate Athlete training that we don't necessarily have to eat healthy food 100% of the time.  We don't have to deprive ourselves of the food that we really like to eat.  80% healthy food  is good enough.

Healthy Eating Pyramid
Source: P&G Vibrant Living
5. Eat 3 meals and some snacks in between meals.
Eat full breakfast and lunch and light supper.  Low glycemic index (~100cal) snacks are recommended in between. 

6. Use smaller plate
I tend to eat less if I use smaller plate :).

7. Drink a lot of water.
I drink a lot of water (minimum of 3 liters per day). If you want to eat less, drinking a lot of water before meal will do the trick.

8. Go for natural fruits instead of fruit juices. 
Fruit juices contain a lot of sugar and calories.

9. Avoid sweetened drinks.   
Sweetened drinks contain a lot of sugar and calories too.  Drink water instead.  Honestly, I still crave for coke sometimes, especially this summer season.   Ang sarap kayang uminom ng coke na maraming yelo :).

10. Drink green tea. I drink green tea everyday.  I've read that green tea increases the metabolism, therefore it can also aid weight loss.

Remember this: The key to losing weight permanently is lifestyle change.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Small Changes. Big Results.

Small Changes. Big Results. 
You can physically do this!

Getting and keeping your energy level high is actually attainable.  Try these expert tips:

Eat breakfast.  Not just any breakfast.  Aim for a mix of high-quality carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats—oatmeal with a sliced banana and almonds, an egg-white omelet with a slice of avocado and side of blueberries, a whole wheat English muffin with a slice of cheese and an apple.

·         Reverse a negative spiral.  A bad mood can drain your energy because it keeps your mind too busy churning and churning.  Substitute a bad funk with thoughts of positive things you are grateful for in your life.

·         Have a cold one.  A cold glass of water, iced tea, or diet lemonade can instantly give you a boost; and it helps you stay hydrated which is critical for your brain and body. 

·         Change your routine.  When your brain gets bored, it gets tired. And your body gets tired.  The brain is constantly trying to predict the way you work in the world, so when you encounter something that is different and new, the brain loves taking on the new challenge.  Nothing huge--just a small risk a day.

·         Coffee?  In small doses.  Studies show that low doses of caffeine throughout the day are more effective at keeping you energetic and smarter than the super-mega cup first thing in the morning.

·         Stop those tiny lies.  Lying takes more energy than telling the truth.  Think about it.  When you aren’t forthcoming, you’re constantly thinking about what you’re saying, and how you’re saying it to avoid getting caught.  (Of course, you want to be diplomatic about things too). 

·         Breathe.

·         No clutter.  It is a constant reminder of unfinished obligations and takes up space. 

·         Get moving.  The more active you are the better you will feel, work and play. And most importantly, the better you will be.

·         Fake it.  Research suggests that things like smiling, wearing fun clothes, and looking good sends a message to the brain that actually leads you to feel the emotion you’re projecting.

      Source: Corporate Athlete

Monday, July 16, 2012

Good Hair Day

My hair is naturally straight and it has always been straight for as long as I can remember. If others are investing money to have their hair straightened or re-bonded, I don't have to spend much on my naturally straight hair. I only need regular hair cut, hot oil,  or hair spa which does not cost much.

Just recently, I decided to splurge on my hair for a change :). I have heard about the digital perm which is now popular in Japan and Korea, and decided to try it.

From Wikipedia:
A digital perm is a perm which uses hot rods with the temperature regulated by a machine. However, the process of the perm is quite analogous to that of a traditional perm. Hairstylists usually call it a "hot perm, but is commonly known as a "digital perm" A normal perm basically requires only the perm solution. A digital perm requires a different solution plus heat. This type of perm is now popular in both South Korea and Japan. Digital perm is usually a little bit more expensive than a cold perm.

A digital perm makes the hair wavy when it is dry, so you just need to dry it with a blow dryer, and use your hand to make the curl. Styling is very easy, and if you set the curl in the morning, at the end of the day when the wave loosens, you can revive the curl just by curling it with your finger.

This is me with my new curly hair and I'm loving it :).

2 weeks after I got my hair permed.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Just for Fun ;)

I was browsing my old notes on Facebook and I saw these "just for fun" questions that I answered 3 years ago.  

I am in the mood to answer the same questions again, though some of the answers may still be the same. Today is Friday and I need some kind of stress reliever to brighten my day :).

Seven things you have in your bag:
1. wallet
2. cellphone
3. house key
4. lipstick
5. face powder
6. hand lotion
7. small towel

Seven things that scare you:
1. earthquake
2. ghost
3. snake
4. drunk men
5. total darkness
6. turbulence (when travelling by plane)
7. being trapped in an elevator

Seven things you can do:
1. Drive a car
2. Gain 1kg in 1 week by overeating without exercise
3. Play the guitar
4. Speak a little Japanese
5. Read Hiragana and Katakana Japanese characters
6. Run 5-10 km, 5 times a week
7. Cross stitch

Seven things you can not do:
1. Ride a roller coaster
2. Drive in Japan because it's right hand drive here and I don't have Japan driver's license (too expensive to get one).
3. Read Kanji characters (too complicated and difficult to learn)
4. Swim (I never learned how to swim)
5. Give up coke completely
6. Wear miniskirt (I don't have the guts :).
7. Can't ride a bicycle with one hand holding an umbrella if raining (most of the Japanese women can do this, but I can't :D).

Seven things you say the most/are known for saying:
2. Oh my goodness!
3. Okidoks
4. Oh no!
5. Ano ba yan!
6. Ngek
7. Sige

Seven things you like the most:
1. My iPhone
2. My iPad
3. My Nikon D7000
4. Hello kitty items
5. Books (fiction)
6. My running shoes
7. Japanese kokeshi dolls

Seven random facts about you:
1. I am not a writer, but decided to create my personal blog (ironic, isn't it?).
2. I don't go to the gym (I don't want to spend money when I can do exercise for free :).
2. I do DVD dance exercises instead of going to the gym - Zumba, Core Rhythms, Belly dancing, Kick boxing, and Shadow boxing.
3. My alcohol tolerance has gone up :).
4. It took me more than a month to learn how to drive on my own (nerbiyosa kasi ako :).
5. There's this cross stitch stuff that I started 2 yrs. ago, but I have not finished until now, but I plan to finish it soon and perhaps write a blog about it.
6. I re-read books that I like very much even if I already know the story.
7. I have several coin banks for my 500 yen coin collection.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Fave Tweets

I joined twitter in 2010 but I didn't know how twitter works back then and so my account has been inactive for over a year.

I decided to revive my twitter account early this year as a way to keep in touch with my sibling who is not on facebook. It was only then that I realized that tweeting is fun.  Tweeting is something that I enjoy doing lately. It's easy and convenient way for me to express my random thoughts and feelings about anything. It has become my sort of day-to-day mini journal.

I also love re-tweeting tweets that I like. Since it's hard to scroll down the tweets, I have re-posted here 30 of my favorite tweets/lessons learned for the past 2 months. 

1. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. - Mother Theresa
2. The best and most beautiful things in life can not be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart. - Helen Keller
3. Be careful with your words... when they're said, they can only be forgiven but not forgotten.
4. Life is like an escalator, it carries you on.
5. Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.
6. Sometimes, you don't always get what you want, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you want.
7. Life is like a book. Everyday is a new page. Every month is a new chapter. Every year is a new series.
8. You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. - Bonnie Prudden
9. Sometimes it's okay to feel a little lost. It's during those times that we find the best surprises when we least expect them. - Joe Albrecht
10. Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry, and don't decide when you're sad.
11. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. - Bil Keane
12. Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.
13. If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will be there. So don't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an effort to stay.
14. Over thinking stimulates the brain, making it 10 times harder to fall asleep at night.
15. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal, you are the one who gets burned.
16. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
17. 7 Rules to a better life: 1. Never hate 2. Live simply 3. Expect a little 4. Give a lot 5. Always smile 6. Live with love 7. Be with God.
18. Sometimes being too nice is dangerous, you have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt.
19. Don't cry over the past, it's gone.  Don't stress about the future, it has not arrived. Live in the present and  make it beautiful.
20. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
21. Forgiving is a necessity, it has to be done.  To be free inside and get a taste of peace, you must forgive.
22. When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power.
23. Every single person on the planet has a story. Don't judge people before you truly know them.
24. God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.
25. Once a word leaves your mouth, you can not chase it back even with the swiftest horse.
26. Never regret anything, because every little detail of your life is what made you into who you are in the end.
27. Sometimes, things have to change and maybe sometimes for they are for the better. - Nani (Lilo & Stitch)
28. Happiness is a state of mind. So think positive, be positive.
29. Be kind to people. Your karma will reward you.
30. In your life expect some trouble, but when you worry you make it double. Don't worry, be happy. - Bobby McFerrin.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cutie Hello Kitty

I'm trying to be a good girl (trying to control my impulse buying urge), so I did not buy much at Duty Free Kansai when I left for Singapore last Wednesday.  Anyway, I found some cutie hello kitty items while I was walking around, so I bought these items for me :).  I told you, hello kitty is something that is too hard for me to resist buying.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello Kitty Lover

If you know me well, you know I love hello kitty more than anything. To those who don't know me, now you know why I have a touch of hello kitty in my blog :).

Happy to be a hello kitty lover :)

Hello Kitty (Haro Kiti in Japanese) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, first designed by Yuko Shimizu. She is portrayed as a female white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow. Hello kitty character is a staple of the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. Originally aimed at pre-adolescent female, Hello Kitty's market has broadened to include grown up consumers. She can be found on a variety of products ranging from school supplies to fashion accessories and high-end consumer products (source: Wikipanion).

Hello kitty is just so "kawaii" (cute) and it's something that is too hard for me to resist buying :).

My wall clock. I bought this wall clock puzzle and assembled it in 2000 (while I was on business trip here in Japan). Now 12 years with me and it's still up and running.

I bought these stuff toys for my girls, but they are not that fond of hello kitty (just trying to justify why I bought these stuff toys, hehehe).
Japanese wedding

Hello kitty kids
Happy family :))
Some of my hello kitty stuffs.

My alarm clock
Make up kit and other accessories

Bathroom stuff
Kitchen stuff